Citizens have so many wonderful ideas that never make it to the EU level. The Pirates in the European Parliament cherish citizen participation and want to give people a greater say in politics. With this website, we want to give you the opportunity to suggest issues we should raise in the European Parliament.
Examples of what we can do for you: Ask a written question to the EU Commission or EU Council, task the European Parliament's Research Service to carry out background research, send a letter tot he EU Commission or the EU Council.
OpenRequest is intended to allow as many citizens as possible to participate in our parliamentary work. Because Democracy thrives on public dialogue.
At the center of the parliamentary process are the political Groups and the individual Pirate Party Members of the European Parliament that are representing you as a citizen. The basic idea is simple: You suggest an issue using this website, where it is published. We will then review it and keep you (and the public) updated on whether and how we follow up.