Request Journal

Here you can find all 27 submitted citizens requests to the European Parliament in full lenght, sorted according to submission date.


18 Jun. 2023 07:07

EU Legislation power AI - ChatControl #HumanRights

First, I want to congratulate the EU Parliament for banning bio metric surveillance in public places, in its recommendation for AI Act. However the position of the Parliament, failed to protect the Worlds most vulnerable population, the migrants and refugees, from discriminating AI profiling. As a European citizen, I urge you to: 1. place humanity first in your decision making; 2. include peace processes as a priority, when taking position in matters, regarding conflict ridden regions and the affected population (not how to "contain" migration, but how to build peace, that automatically reduces the people fleeing their countries because of conflicts); and 3. engage European citizens in legislative decision making, propose a direct democratic referendum, before legislation is passed giving the citizens a final say. You were elected to represent the people of Europe, regardless of party affiliation, human rights; transparency; honesty; and integrity should be the core values each EU Parliamentarians adheres to. Not ever before, fundamental human rights of the European citizens have been under attack, under new legislation's proposed by the EU Commission. Next in line is a CSAR legislation that would break privacy in correspondence, followed by EU Government’s “Going Dark” program. You, as an individual and representative have the power to stop these legislation's getting implemented. Today is not the time to follow the party position, but what you as a person, a human being know what is right. Take position based on humanity, contrary to following the mass politics, vote for right to privacy, freedom of opinion, that further creates trust on 500 million citizens. This carry's farther and most importantly it saves Democracy that is currently in free fall.

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26 May. 2023 12:30

The single market that isn't

As it stands at the moment, traders may freely choose to restrict deliveries to specific areas. In certain cases, that is reasonable and makes perfect sense. Nobody expects to order a pizza from Italy and have it delivered in Finland. As the recital of the Geoblocking regulation (Regulation (EU) 2018/302) also states, there are in some cases national rules (e.g., related to labelling or various conformance requirements) that make it impractical for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to serve the entire EU/EEA market. However, these exceptions are being abused by companies whose delivery restrictions in many cases appear to be motivated by a simple "I cannot be bothered" approach or worse, a downright xenophobic attitude. As a case in point, I often order computer parts from suppliers across Europe as their offer is generally wider and better priced than what I can find locally in the Czech Republic. It then becomes an obstacle course trying to find a supplier that will agree to ship to this country, even though logistically it would not make any difference to them. I propose that the relevant EU e-commerce laws be reviewed and where necessary, modified in such a way that, where a business serves a substantial part of their own national market (as opposed to their local area), they are in principle obliged to also ship to all other EU countries, provided that the items being sold are not per se illegal in the destination country. Responsibility for any compliance issues (such as labelling, etc.) could be transferred to the buyer in a caveat emptor approach. The current situation only benefits the e-commerce giants, none of which are European, creating a serious risk of market distortion.

Support (out of 1 rates)


05 May. 2023 09:34

Corruption and democracy

EU recently launched new initiative to tackle corruption. While it is a well welcomed development, it does not address the challenge in higher level, especially in the EU Commission and it’s President. Initiatives and regulations that are aimed in lower level of the nations, e.g. individuals, small corporations, but not the leadership are failing to safeguard Democracy. Without solving the recent corruption scandals on EU leadership level the new regulation is failing even before it started. Corruption can be addressed only through 100% transparency and ending impunity. Investigating and bringing to justice all cases, that are in the present or past involving corruption. Not just focusing on financial bribes, but essentially including EU signed agreements with foreign corporations and investigation to Nordstream pipeline sabotage, regardless if the end result will indict one of the EU’s partner nation. Silence in front of serious human rights abuses and apartheid, is also counted as a form of corruption and diminishing democracy in Europe. At the present the faith and trust in the EU Institutions have taken a free fall. As a remedy and to establish trust, it's a high time to tackle the corruption among the European leaders.

Support (out of 5 rates)


03 May. 2023 08:57

Zakázat rozdávání nevyžádaných letáků

Není důvod, proč schránka s nápidem "žádné letáky" by měla být mezikrokem mezi tiskárnou a košem. A je obtížné věřit, že vládu zajímá životní prostředí, když umožňuje takové plýtvání papírem.

Support (out of 0 rates)


22 Apr. 2023 05:15

New EU crypto rules and GNU Taler

GNU Taler (Taxable Anonymous Libre Electronic Reserves - is a payment system where the payer stays anonymous, but the payee always needs to identify theirself. Is this still possible with the new EU crypto rules?

Support (out of 4 rates)


20 Apr. 2023 17:43

Time change end

Could you please agree and finally cancel the time change you have already agreed to? It doesn't matter if it's just summer or just winter, just don't change it anymore 🙄. Thanks 👍🏻

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20 Apr. 2023 17:38

Změna času

Mohli byste se už domluvit a konečně už zrušit změnu času, na které jste se už dohodli? Je jedno, jestli bude jen letní nebo jen zimní, hlavně ať se už nemění 🙄. Díky 👍🏻.

Support (out of 6 rates)


19 Apr. 2023 18:06

Snizovani byrokraticke zateze

Uz ted je obtizne se orientovat v legislative. Zakony obsahuji velke mnozstvi vyjimek, ktere jsou navic nelogicke. Prosim udelejte s tim neco

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19 Apr. 2023 16:57

Motokrosové areály

Dobrý den, EU řeší intenzivně emise jak hlukové, tak znečišťující životní prostředí. Dosud je v ČR v provozu mnoho motokrosových areálů, kteří vznikly za totality a od té doby jsou provozovány stále stejně bez investic a jsou v takové šedé zóně zákonů, kdy se na ně nevztahuje prakticky žádný zákon: Stavební zákon - v té době žádné územní plány nebyly a tak areály vznikaly dle libosti a nyní je jejich obranou, že jsou historické :-) Ochrana před hlukem - limity a korekce jsou tak mírné, že je složité změřit v současné době platné hygienické limity hluku, ty platí pro 8hod souvislého měření a ačkoliv běžný hluk u areálů je okolo 70db, tak pokud tam není celodenní provoz, tak se všemi korekcemi prakticky nelze hlukové normy překonat. A i když je naměřen nadlimitní hluk, tak hygiena pouze uloží pokutu a jezdí se dál (osobní zkušenost). Emise prachu jsou v období sucha obrovské, ale protože se dle zákona nejedná o žádný zdroj emisí, tak se jimi nikdo nezabývá. Tyto staré areály noční mnoha lidem životy a zdraví (prach a nepříjemný hluk) a zákony jsou na ně krátké. To nemluvím o tom, že obvykle se v těchto areálech tankují a myjí motorky normálně v přírodě na trávě ! K jedné kauze mohu poskytnout značné množství měření, fotodokumentace apod., kdy úřady v ČR buď nekonají, nebo se vymlouvají na nedostatečnou legislativu nebo nechtějí konat. Domnívám se, takový areál je obrovským znečišťovatelem, motorky jsou obvykle mnoho let staré, takže se pálí benzín a olej a ve vzduchu je obrovské množství prachových částic. Děkuji a prosím zkuste se dané problematice věnovat a nějak legislativně tyto znečišťovatele a původce hluku zkuste řešit.

Support (out of 3 rates)


19 Apr. 2023 14:31

Zruseni cenzury

Chci vas pozadat, aby jste ukoncili svoje cenzurni snahy pod zaminkou boje proti deziinfirmacim. Prestante nutit socialni site mazat prispevky, ktere jsou v offline svete legalni.

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